NOTE: Gov. Donno will make his official visit next week Jan.21.
South HS Robotics: have now received information as to what the theme of this year's competition will be...Club will discuss with Motch various fundraiser ideas leading up to finals in April.
Haiti Water Project: plse ck
which is the water project supported by the Club. We will hold a dedicated fundraiser to complete our $5,000 contribution half of which Gov. Ravi has kindly raised. Betsy and Jesse will lead Club efforts.
Mike wil attend the PETS (Pres. Elect Training Seminar) 3/20-21 at Mariott Islandia which is required of all incoming Presidents.
Wine Taster April 8...Clarisse will explore most cost effective arrangements and report to Club.
Attendees:            Jerry, Jay, Doug, Emma
NOTE: Gov. Donno will make his official visit next week Jan.21.
Usually the Gov. meets with the Board first but given Club size we have agreed to invite all members and prospective members to begin mtg 8 AM sharp and will listen to his vision for the District and in turn provide him with Club's plan/activities.
South HS Robotics: have now received information as to what the theme of this year's competition will be...Club will discuss with Motch various fundraiser ideas leading up to finals in April.
Haiti Water Project: plse ck
which is the water project supported by the Club. We will hold a dedicated fundraiser to complete our $5,000 contribution half of which Gov. Ravi has kindly raised. Betsy and Jesse will lead Club efforts.
Mike wil attend the PETS (Pres. Elect Training Seminar) 3/20-21 at Mariott Islandia which is required of all incoming Presidents.
Wine Taster April 8...Clarisse will explore most cost effective arrangements and report to Club.